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What is Contouring?

Contour washing visual

Autowash Contouring uses optic sensors to follow the shape of a vehicle to maximize the effectiveness of the wash cycles.  By keeping the wash closer to the vehicle, we are able to apply a better rinse and dry experience.

The Contour Dry follows the main body of the vehicle.  We use 99.995% mineral free water to prevent spotting after a rinse, and the dryer will remove approximately 98% of the water on the vehicle after the wash.  It is recommended to towel off the vehicle after the wash as needed for any drops of R.O. water that remains.


If you have attachments on your vehicle that extend beyond 6 inches from the main body of the vehicle, you must only use the Essential Wash.  If you use any other wash package with attachments (factory or aftermarket) you are liable for any damage caused to the automatic machinery.  ANY items that extend 10 inches from the vehicle may NOT be washed in the Automatic Wash at all.

Attachments on vehicle 01
Attachments on vehicle 02

Autowash is not responsible for damage caused to vehicles when machines are working properly.  This includes guide rails, It is your responsibility to ensure you are in control of your vehicle at all times, and that includes driving into the wash bay and out of the bay.  Guide rails are designed, like a curb, to protect the machine from being hit by a vehicle. 


This warning and these images are not exclusive.  There are hundreds of attachments and customizations in the market for today's vehicles; many have manufacture warnings that specifically warn against car wash use.  Autowash is not liable for damage caused by attachments on vehicles.  You may be liable for damages caused to car wash for failure to follow this warning and warnings at each location used.


If you have any Roof, Rear, or Front bumper accessories, you may ONLY use the Essential Wash Level or Self- Serve.  Customers using any other wash level will be held liable for damage to the Automatic Machine.


This includes Jeep Rear Tires, Rear Spoilers, Ladder Racks, Bike Racks, Headache Racks, Etc.


Anything that exceeds 6 inches from the main body of the vehicle is considered an Attachment.


Items that exceed 10 inches from the main body of the vehicle may NOT be used in ANY automatic wash. This includes hitch-mounted bike racks, handicap carriers, oil or fuel pumps, fly-rod cases, etc.


Autowash is not responsible for damage to vehicles caused by this machine when this warning is ignored.


Autowash is not responsible for any damage caused by customer driving into curbs, guide rails, or other fixtures as a result of the vehicle moving or parking incorrectly.


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